Disc 2
1. Shalechet
(Effoliation) - Nethanela
2. Neula Hi Dalti
(My Door Is Locked) - Esther Ofarim & Ensemble East & West
3. Hashir Elaich
(The Song For You ) - Yehoram Gaon
4. Hanava (The
Beautful One) - Ora Zitner
5. Shirat Hechalil
(The Flute Song) - Gitit Shovel
6. Al Tefachdi
Tamar (Becerem Teiman) (Don't Be Scared Tamar) - Ofra Haza
7. Lemoladeti
(To My Homeland) - Ronit Offir
8. Al Tira (Don't
be Afraid) - Tzippi Zarnkin
9. Sovevuni (Turn
Me Around) - Tzilla Dgan Ve'havura
10. Hultza Kchula
(A Blue Shirt) - HaGiv'atron
11. Kacha Kach
Velo Acheret (This Way & Not The Other) - Rivka Zohar
12. Am Sgula
(Peculiar People) - Yizhar Cohen
13. Shu'alei
Shimshon (Shimshon Foxes) - Shoshana Damari
14. Shir Hamagen
Ve'hamri (The Sheild & Rebelliousness Song) - Ofira Gluska
15. Himnon Hanachal
(The Nachal Antheme) - The Nachal Band
16. Shirat Hashomer
(The Guard Song) - Uzi Meiri
17. Ten Katef
(Give A Shoulder) - The Tractor's Revenge
18. Bar Cochva
- The Pita's Shwoong
19. Pil Pilon
- Alon Ole'archick
20. Havu Lavanim
(Bring Bricks) - Ofra Haza
21. Lecha Dodi
(To You My Uncle) - Ofra Haza
22. Tni Et Yadech
(Give Your Hand) - Gitit Shovel
23. Zichrini
(Remember Me) - Dudu Zakai
thanx to Ro'i